Why Minnesota is the best state in America
why Minnesota is the best state in america top 10 reasons 1. First, Our license plates say we have 10,000. Rather that is us just being modest. Here we have 11,000 lakes and 90,000 miles of shoreline. In contrast, that’s more than the shoreline of Hawaii, California and Florida combined! So water ski, swim, canoe, boat, sail or ice skate just a short distance from anywhere in Minnesota 2. Second, What is unemployment? Honestly we really don’t know what that is here. At 2.2% it is pretty darn easy to find a job. It happens to have 19 Fortune 500 companies. Also, we also have the largest privately owned company in the Nation. So much opportunity to succeed there. 3. Thirdly, we are known to be the most hipster state in the Nation. With our great music scene, strong bike culture, great restaurants and an abundance of coffee shops. Here we set our own trends. 4. Fourth, “Minnesota...